Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Xinhua - English

From the EWWWWW! File:
Tom Cruise to Eat The Placenta

Tom Cruise is starting to jump sharks like he's running the 400 meter hurdles. The latest news story is that he is planning on eating the afterbirth when Katie Holmes has their baby.

Xinhua - English

Naturally that got me thinking of the Saturday Night Live sketch "Placenta Helper". I could have sworn that I saw the skit, but it's possible that I just read the script. Somewhere in storage I have a book of Saturday Night Live scripts from the first two years. Among others, the book has the script from "Planet of the Enormous Hooters".

The Placenta Helper skit was written by Al Franken and Tom Davis. (Perhaps this is the real reason that Al Franken probably WON'T run for the United States Senate.)

I couldn't find the whole skit on the web, but here is a partial version:

Placenta Helper


We're both pregnant!

It's my first time, and I admit I'm a little nervous.

Well, this is my third, and let me tell you there's nothing to be nervous about. By the way, are you going to eat the placenta?

You're kidding! You mean the afterbirth?

That's right. Many mammals eat their own placenta. It's nutritious, it's 100% natural, and now that you're going to have a family, you've got to watch your food budget more than ever. And there's no cheaper meat than placenta.

But is there enough placenta to make a complete meal for my husband and myself?

Not if your husband has a hearty appetite like mine. And that's why you need '

Placenta helper?

. . .

The end tag line is by Don Pardo. He says "Placenta Helper, make your special occasion a special occasion."

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