Monday, October 11, 2004

Bush - Kerry Chose Trial Lawyers over Doctors - Are you mad because they wouldn't let you into the club?

George W. Bush told an audience of supporters that John Kerry chose to reach out to lawyers rather than doctors when he chose John Edwards as a running mate. It has been reported (but not frequently enough) that George W. Bush applied to law school at the University of Texas, but was not accepted. Are you mad because we wouldn't let you into the shark club, George? Is that why you get this pissed-off face whenever you talk about lawyers.

I'm sorry they didn't let you in George. I You might have learned something about due process. You might have learned something about an independent judiciary. You might have learned something about separation of church & state. You might have learned that when a doctor commits malpractice enough, and damages enough people, that doctor might have problems getting insurance. Eventually, that doctor gets out of business and stops killing and maiming people. If enough bad doctors get out of the profession, then malpractice rates (both rates of injuries and insurance rates) go down.

Instead of law school, you went to business school. Now, if there is one thing they teach you in business school it's that there's no such thing as a free lunch. But that can't be right, how can we not have record deficits and lowered taxes, especially for the rich?

Google Search: bush "applied to law school" university of texas

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