Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Bush at the War College

So, last night was the big speech by George W. at the War College. His goal was to convince the country that he has a plan for making things better in Iraq. I'm waiting. He has this way of making things worse in Arab-American relations. He once again said that America was representing the "civilized world". He refuses to understand that there is an implication in the Arab world that he is implicitly calling them uncivilized. This is the same President who has rejected the Geneva Convention for treatment of non-uniformed prisoners, allowed same prisoners to be strung up naked with electrodes attached to them . . . . He has used the word "crusade" repeatedly, and he appears to be deliberately ignorant of the connotations of that word in the Arab community.

He says that the people fighting Americans in Iraq are Terrorists. I think this both blurs and cheapens the word "terrorist". You might think that the insurgents in Iraq are misguided and counterproductive, but I don't think they are terrorists. The vast majority are fighting on their own land. They are traditional guerilla fighters. No doubt that if the United States were invaded countless Americans would resort to guerilla tactics as well, just as we did in 1776.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. This is what you get when you let a "C" student be president.

Here's my heartfelt prayer: Please God, don't let this man have another 4 years.

The New York Times > Opinion > The President's Speech

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