Monday, January 26, 2009

President Obama and the UFOs
Privy to the "Book of Secrets", Will he tell us the story of Area 51?

The Presidential Book of Secrets is a fictional creation for the movie National Treasure 2: Book of Secrets. In the movie, it's a book passed down from President to President with all of the nation's most important secrets, including who killed JFK and what really happened in Roswell, New Mexico and at Area 51.

Book of Secrets or no, presumably, President Obama has been or soon will be briefed on the secrets of Area 51. This raises the question of whether President Obama, who has so far emphasized public disclosure in his administration, will tell the public about the inside story of Area 51. Will he or won't he? Here's what he's had to say about the issue so far.

Presumably the aliens could teach him a thing or two about making a joke.

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