Monday, July 23, 2007

Will it Blend - iPhone
Waste of a Phone or a Life?

A few weeks ago, I stumbled upon a series of videos on youtube called Will it Blend? Some smart marketers at a blender company called Blendtec decided to post videos of everything from a crowbar, to a stuffed animal, to a pile of glow sticks being pulverized in one of their blenders. If you cross the hype of the iPhone with the youtube fad that WIB had already become, and the Will it Blend iPhone edition has become ridiculously popular among bloggers with over 1.5 Google hits as of this writing. Just one version of the iPhone blending on has over 1.3 million views. Let's say, then that just 10 million people have spent a minute and half watching the iPhone blend. that's 28.5 person/years spent watching the iPhone blend. if the real total is 100 million people seeing the iPhone blend, then that's 285 years or about 3 and a half life times spent watching an iPhone blend. The worldwide web - it brings new meaning to life.

Watching the iPhone blend is a complete waste of time. The glowsticks, on the other hand, that was cool.

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