Wednesday, June 21, 2006

AOL Hell

From the AOL Hell file:
What Happens You try to Cancel AOL

Here is an audio clip of a guy trying to cancel his AOL. Woe unto he who gets caught in the "savings" department. We've handled tons of complaints from people with AOL cancellation problems. The FTC has gotten on AOL about it. The problems continue. It's time for the FTC to get on them again.

Remember folks, there's no such thing as a "free 30 day trial". There is a 30 day trial, but that's 30 days that you'll be on the phone trying to cancel your freaking AOL. By the way, good luck in getting an address for cancelling in writing. That's the first thing that the FTC should mandate -- that AOL should provide and publish an address for cancellations.

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