Monday, February 21, 2005

Madlibs meets Anarchy: Make Your Own Random Anarchy Cookbook

There is an infamous book called the Anarchist Cookbook, published in the 1960s with various "versions" available on the web, it is a how to guide for folks who want to make their own explosives etc. It was written in the 1960s by a teenager who didn't bother to test out the formulas contained therein. Since then unauthorized versions, sequels, etc. have popped up on the web with even more dubious worth.

One creative person took this trend to its logical extreme for a roll-your-own cookbook. It seems to work like a madlib where everytime you click on a link, random ingredients are generated for the terrorist formulas. Quite clever. Check it out. Don't try this at home. Even though it's not labeled as a joke: it's a joke.

Make your own random anarchy cookbook

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