Thursday, September 16, 2004

Does a Win for Bush mean a Win for Canadian Real Estate?

With Bush up in the polls right now, my thoughts are drifting towards the proposition of moving out of the country. Canada would be the easy (but relatively boring) choice.


"bush wins" and "move to Canada" came up with 604 hits

Google Search: "bush wins" "move to canada": "... In spite of all the media fuss, he showed up, unscathed. In Halliburton we Trust. posted by Groom Lake 4:29 PM. Why Bush Wins 1. Iraq. ... Then we move to Canada. ... - 46k - Cached - Similar pages"

How about a more interesting place to move - The Freedom Ship

Imagine Circumnavigating the World every three years, stopping in all major and many minor ports of interest, on all the continents, all the while staying in your own condominium. The proposed Freedom Ship is a combination cruise-ship and planned community sailing the ocean seas. 4000 feet long, as long as 4 supertankers, 750 feet wide. As tall as a skyscraper. This baby is huge, much larger than any ship aflot.

The only problem with using the Freedom Ship as an escape from 4 more years of Bushism is that the Freedom Ship doesn't exist yet. (Judging from their web site and a 2001 Popular Science Article (linked below) they really haven't made that much progress in the last three years. (Of course neither has the United States of America - which gets back to point # one, why it may be time to get out of Dodge in the first place. . . . )

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