Friday, April 20, 2007

The Googleteer(tm) on Greg Oden

The Googleteer(tm), the Sultan of Search himself, flew in the window today upon the mention of the name of Greg Oden, the Ohio State basketball player.

Mr. Oden officially announced that he was declaring his eligibility for the NBA draft. Because I'm based in Indianapolis, Greg's home town, I was shocked by his appearance during the NCAA Final Four. Even though Greg's only 19 years old, he didn't look like the gangly high school kid that I was used to seeing. He looked like a grizzled NBA vet. So, I wondered, exactly how old is it that Greg Oden looks?

The Googleteer(tm), sensing a question that needed to be answered, vaulted through my portal and put his search skills to use.

Greg-Oden "looks older" 157 hits
Greg-Oden "looks much older" 10 hits
Greg-Oden "looks 30" 26 hits
Greg-Oden "looks 35" 39 hits
Greg-Oden "looks 40" 49 hits
Greg-Oden "looks 45" 7 hits
Greg-Oden "looks 50" 3 hits
Greg-Oden (looks /3 older) 249,300 hits (This is a proximity search designed to return all pages that have "Greg Oden" within 3 words of the word "older".)

It looks like we have a bell curve, skewed somewhat to the older side of 35. Since the median is somewhere betwwen 35 and 40, and the mode is 40, it appears that there is a rough consensus that Greg Oden looks like he's between 35 and 40 years old. My advice to you Greg, when the birthday fairy comes along to tap you with her magic wand and make you look a year older - RUN! She beat the s--t out off you last year.

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