Thursday, June 17, 2004

Irrefutable Proof of ties between al Qaeda and Iraq

Even though the 9-11 Commission has stated that it saw no evidence of any collaberative relationship between Iraq and al Qaeda, the strong wartime leader on Pennsylvania Avenue continues to assert to this day that there are "numerous contacts" between Iraq and al Qaeda. He just wouldn't say what they were.

Bush Reasserts Hussein-Al Qaeda Link (

Since GWB won't tell us what those contacts are, I decided to do some digging and find them for myself. Here's what I came up with.

Iraq was led by Saddam Hussein.
In Hot Shots, Charlie Sheen fought Saddam Hussein.
Charlie Sheen was in the movie Cadence (1990) with Lawrence Fishburne.
Lawrene Fishburne was in Mystic River (2003) with Kevin Bacon
Also in Mystic River was Wil Lyman.
Wil Lyman was in School Ties with Ben Affleck.
The "Ben" in Ben Affleck sounds a lot like "Bin" in Bin Laden.
Osama Bin Laden is the leader of al Qaeda.

There it is, I laid it out on the table, the case for war in Iraq. Aren't you sorry you lined up behind that Howard Dean guy now?

Hollywood link information courtesy of the Oracle of Bacon at the University of Virginia.

Here's George W. Bush's Internet Movie Database page (
For your homework, see if you can link George W. to Osama bin Laden.

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